Vitoria / Gasteiz
Vitoria-Gasteiz es la capital de Euskadi. La ciudad ofrece una cantidad de zonas verdes sorprendentes. Son famosos su Anillo Verde, los monumentos llenos de historia y su casco medieval. Recorrer las tiendas de Vitoria-Gasteiz es un verdadero placer por la tranquilidad que supone pasear por el centro de una ciudad prácticamente peatonal.

Equipment for exciting sports
We’d like to encourage you to visit a very special shop, where we share our vision of how to make our passion for sport and contact with nature compatible with a respect for environmental and social sustainability.
We want our suppliers and our customers to become our partners on an exciting shared journey.
Take a leisurely stroll over our shop’s two floors and discover our brands’ products and projects. If you like mountain climbing, hiking, running or swimming or you go to the gym, we will advise you on the most innovative, comfortable and sustainable options for you.
We work with the leading brands in innovation and circular economy programmes, which hold the most demanding certificates that guarantee their processes.
Since 1982
Store Hours
M-S 10:00-14:00 / 16:30-21:00
Florida, 2
Vitoria / Gasteiz
01, 04, 06, 07, 10
Abetxuko, Ibaiondo - Parlamento