Vitoria / Gasteiz
Vitoria-Gasteiz es la capital de Euskadi. La ciudad ofrece una cantidad de zonas verdes sorprendentes. Son famosos su Anillo Verde, los monumentos llenos de historia y su casco medieval. Recorrer las tiendas de Vitoria-Gasteiz es un verdadero placer por la tranquilidad que supone pasear por el centro de una ciudad prácticamente peatonal.
Relojes y Joyas Javier Mendoza

Talent and years of experience
Bring your favourite clock or watch back to life
Javier and Nagore open their jewellery shop at the same time every day, with British puntuality. A look into the old shop window reveals a fascinating landscape of modern jewellery juxtaposed with watches and clocks of all sorts, some 200 years old and still in perfect working condition. There is also a workshop where all kinds of wind-up and automatic watches and clocks are repaired and restored. Well worth a visit.
Since 1880
Store Hours
M-F 10:00-13:30 / 17:30-20:30
S 10:00-13:30
San Francisco, 1
Casco Medieval
Vitoria / Gasteiz
03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 09, 10
Abetxuko, Ibaiondo - Parlamento
E: relojeriamendoza@gasteizon.eus