Vitoria / Gasteiz
Vitoria-Gasteiz es la capital de Euskadi. La ciudad ofrece una cantidad de zonas verdes sorprendentes. Son famosos su Anillo Verde, los monumentos llenos de historia y su casco medieval. Recorrer las tiendas de Vitoria-Gasteiz es un verdadero placer por la tranquilidad que supone pasear por el centro de una ciudad prácticamente peatonal.
La Fusa
Music, a balm for the soul
Rhythm and harmony in the Old Town
Music shops are idiosyncratic by definition. A refuge for romantics, the atmosphere in La Fusa invites one to linger. That is just what owner Patxi intended. This music fan is also one of the city's main music promoters. He also stocks a wide range of books, drum sets and accessories. It is the only retail outlet in Spain that sells Sela cajon drums and Dream cymbals, and you can even have drum and singing lessons in the shop. Long live La Fusa!
Since 1998
Store Hours
M-S 10:30-13:30 / 16:30-20:00
Zapatería, 66
Casco Medieval
Vitoria / Gasteiz
03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 09, 10
Abetxuko, Ibaiondo - Parlamento