Donostia / San Sebastián
Donostia - San Sebastián es la capital vasca más cercana a Francia. Es evidente el aire afrancesado que respira la ciudad. Desde su urbanismo y arquitectura, hasta su gastronomía y moda. Chic y a la última. Y cuando termines de recorrer los comercios donostiarras puedes relajarte en una de sus tres playas.
Noventa Grados
Keeping your identity
Protecting the essence of avant-garde design
In the heart of San Sebastian's Old Town is an ultra-modern space where clothing, footwear, and jewellery are presented next to perfumes, make-up and hairdressing. Noventa Grados is a fusion powerhouse, a place where designers of different disciplines coincide. The brain-child of renowned stylist Marcial Muñoz, this 400 m2 multi-storey premises is not the home of mainstream fashion, but rather that of design and the avant-garde.
Since 2005
Store Hours
M-F 11:00-20:00
S 09:00-17:00
Mayor, 3
Parte Vieja
Donostia / San Sebastián
05, 08, 09, 13, 14, 21, 25, 28, 29, 42