Bilbao es la ciudad más grande de Euskadi. La capital vizcaína ha sabido reinventarse para convertirse en un destino turístico cultural, gastronómico y de shopping. Puedes descubrir los fantásticos comercios de Bilbao, mientras te pierdes por sus callejuelas y te encuentras con siete edificios firmados por Premios Pritzker.

The real deal
Bringing a spirit of adventure onto the street
Since Kike Panera opened the first Styling store in Bilbao in 1989, it has become the go-to place for surfing, skate and snowboarding enthusiasts. Knowledgeable and passionate about the lifestyle, this store is the real deal. With cool, vintage boards on the walls, they stock a comprehensive range of technical gear as well as an extensive range of clothing brands to take the spirit of adventure onto the streets. The passion and soul in this business is obvious.
Since 1989
Marqués del Puerto,14 Bajo
Bilbao Centro
L1,L2 - Moyua