Bilbao es la ciudad más grande de Euskadi. La capital vizcaína ha sabido reinventarse para convertirse en un destino turístico cultural, gastronómico y de shopping. Puedes descubrir los fantásticos comercios de Bilbao, mientras te pierdes por sus callejuelas y te encuentras con siete edificios firmados por Premios Pritzker.
Gelati! Gelati!

Artisan ice-cream.
From Verona, the city of love, to the capital of the world.
The hardest bit is deciding which flavour to go for. There are so many traditional and weird and wonderful ones to choose from. And they all look so inviting. Gelati Gelati are specialists in making people happy. No matter what time of the year, who can resist a delicious home-made ice-cream? These magnificent Italian artisans, known for the ice-cream parlour in Bilbao’s Old Town, are now putting smiles on people’s faces at their new shop in the Ensanche district.
Sombrerería, 14
Casco Viejo
L1, L2, L3 - Casco Viejo
L1 - Arriaga