Bilbao es la ciudad más grande de Euskadi. La capital vizcaína ha sabido reinventarse para convertirse en un destino turístico cultural, gastronómico y de shopping. Puedes descubrir los fantásticos comercios de Bilbao, mientras te pierdes por sus callejuelas y te encuentras con siete edificios firmados por Premios Pritzker.
Abuelo Actual
Well-being for older people.
Good health and quality of life, what matters most.
There is no question that people are living longer lives these days. While reaching old age is good, it's important to stay as healthy as possible.
Abuelo Actual has everything the older person needs, from simple aids for making everyday living easier, to equipment for people suffering from serious, age-related health conditions. After 10 years in business, they have an ample collection of articles for older people, carers and families. Because life is better when things are made easier.
Abuelo Actual has everything the older person needs, from simple aids for making everyday living easier, to equipment for people suffering from serious, age-related health conditions. After 10 years in business, they have an ample collection of articles for older people, carers and families. Because life is better when things are made easier.
Since 2004
Store Hours
M-F 10:00-20:00
S 10:00-13:30
Epalza, 9
Casco Viejo
L1, L2, L3 - Casco Viejo
L1 - Arrriaga